
Welcome to the Health, Safety 
& Environment Collective

HSEC is an idea founded on the premise that collectively we can 
make a positive change to the health, safety and environment of workers.*1658511709592*1658508568867*0*png?alt=media&token=77109391-58a2-43cd-be1a-f7c899dbdcea*HSEC_tranparent*png?alt=media&token=a96dcaf2-0982-453a-ad16-1130752ca172

The Collective

Our mission is to share knowledge, insights, trends, challenges and 
much more across all industries and from positions within all levels of an organisation. 
You do not need to be in a dedicated health, safety or environmental role
to create change. As lone professionals, our challenge is insurmountable, 
but collectively we have the ability to make great waves of impact.

Upcoming Events

  • The Collective - Brisbane Face to Face
    A  structured meeting that will include discussions about events, themes within industry, challenges, experiences, innovations, and any other topic an attendee requests.  
  • Event details:  Will be announced in the upcoming weeks.*Untitled%20design*png?alt=media&token=7afde649-06fb-429c-b7e2-a6e88e476d35

Our Sponsors

Lidiar Group is a forward thinking consultancy with a focus on 
supporting organisation’s to create safer, healthier, more capable 
and productive workplaces that contribute to business success.
 Based in Brisbane the HSE Team  provide one-off and ongoing health, 
safety, quality and environmental management services for start-ups, 
small, medium and large organisations across a variety of industries.

The Leading Safely Podcast assists individuals at all levels 
of an organisation to become effective safety leaders.*Untitled%20design%20(1)*png?alt=media&token=fa060043-5dcd-428e-a600-5dfbad84ecbb*HSEC_tranparent*png?alt=media&token=a96dcaf2-0982-453a-ad16-1130752ca172

You Are Only One Step Away

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